Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Во Театарот на Cветот" In The Theater of the World translated into Macedonian

--> Во Театарот на Cветот  е антички историски, илустрирани роман преведен на македонски јазик од Aнглиски од Дарко Миовски.   --> Романот се чита како мемоари за Александар Македонски, така Александар самиот раскажува за својот живот на возраст од 13 до 20. Романот е интимно патување во калење на македонскиот воин-принц. Читателот ги истражува настаните и неговото семејство и пријателските односи што го обликувале него, "вешто обезбедување увид во неговиот живот како што повеќето фасцинантни тинејџери во  античката историјата, на начин што тинејџерите денес може лесно да го сфатат." (Канада Newswire Прес - Соопштение за медиумите "нов роман нуди уникатна перспектива за создавањето на Александар Велики", 10 април 2012 година).

Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 356BCE Alexander's Birthday

*The week of July 20-26 commemorates the birthday of Alexander the Great. Exact date is unknown. Some say 20 or 23, others 26*
Digital Portrait by Federica Costantini, 2012.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

New Illustrations in Updated Novel Available June 22, 2012

"Hephaestion, Ages 17" by Federica Constantini
"Hephaestion and Alexander, Ages 17" by Federica Constantini
"Officer Hephaestion, Age 20" by Rowan Lewgalon
"King Alexander, Age 32" by Anke Eissman

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thank you to all who attended my lecture this afternoon! The Q&A period was fantastic.  Please feel free to continue the dialogue and Q&A here in this blog or visit  Link:  Novel's Facebook Page
 Bucephalus by Federica Costantini

Friday, May 11, 2012


Author Lecture "Book Circle with Mrs. LaSita w/Special Guest C. Benjamin Tracy" - Wednesday, May 16th at Riverhead Free Library, Riverhead, NY 4:00-5:00. Refreshments to be served. Call for reservations 631-727-3228.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

AUTHOR LECTURE April 18, 2012

Thank you to all who attended my lecture at Westhampton Beach Free Library, Westhampton Beach, New York! I hope you will have been inspired by the lecture and will enjoy reading the novel.  It was wonderful meeting you all and sharing with you the life of adolescent Alexander the Great, ancient history's most ambitious teenager!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

New Book Review of "In The Theater of the World"

Recent book review on my novel, rated 4 out of 5 stars! Excerpt from Mark G. McLaughlin's review: 
"Told from Alexander’s perspective as if he were writing his memoirs, 'In the Theater of the World' is seasoned with personal observations about the people who taught, teased, and tested
him during his adolescence. The book focuses on Alexander’s younger years...A pampered prince surrounded by fawning fellows and comely courtesans...Alexander wants for nothing and gets everything he wants whenever he wants it. He expects no less, and makes no apologies for that."

Thursday, January 26, 2012


April 18th 'Meet The Author' 5:00-6:00pm at Westhampton Beach Library, Westhampton Beach, New York. Presentation, reading, and Q&A with refreshments.